Generates SBT settings for the UniversalPlugin such that univeral:packageBin
will create a '*-resource.
Generates SBT settings for the UniversalPlugin such that univeral:packageBin
will create a '*' archive consisting of
he jar, source, javadoc for Compile & Test, if available,
any *.md documentation and any models/\*.mdzip MD models
override the default dynamicScripts project name calculated from SBT's baseDirectory
SBT settings for the UniversalPlugin
Example usage in *.sbt or *.scala SBT file (don't use this with Jenkins CI!)
lazy val core = Project("" , file(".")). settings(GitVersioning.buildSettings). // should be unnecessary but it doesn't work without this enablePlugins(IMCEGitPlugin). settings(dynamicScriptsProjectResourceSettings). ...
Example usage in *.sbt or *.scala SBT file (OK to use this with Jenkins CI)
lazy val core = Project("" , file(".")). settings(GitVersioning.buildSettings). // should be unnecessary but it doesn't work without this enablePlugins(IMCEGitPlugin). settings(dynamicScriptsProjectResourceSettings(Some("" )). ...