Initialize an OMLTablesResolver for converting OML Tables data to the OML Resolver API.
Initialize an OMLTablesResolver for converting OML Tables data to the OML Resolver API.
An OMLTablesResolver.
Resolve a sorted collection of pairs of OML Module IRI and corresponding OMLSpecificationTables data.
Resolve a sorted collection of pairs of OML Module IRI and corresponding OMLSpecificationTables data.
An OMLTablesResolver.
A sequence of pairs of OML Module IRI & corresponding OMLSpecificationTables data.
A sorted collection of OML Resolver API Extents corresponding to the OML Modules resolved from their OMLSpecificationTables data.
Compute a topological sort of the OML Modules according to the order induced by the source/target of OML ModuleEdges relations.
Compute a topological sort of the OML Modules according to the order induced by the source/target of OML ModuleEdges relations.
A set of OML Modules & their corresponding OML Extents.
A set of OML ModuleEdges & their corresponding OML Extents.
The topological sort of the OML Modules & their OML Extents.
OML Resolver Support.