A global table of resolved OML Elements.
This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.
This is inspired from QVT's select operator and 'select[<type>]' filtering syntax.
Hierarchical Topological Sort for directed hypergraphs where a node is a graph.
OML Resolver Support.
Utilities for reading OML Tabular files (*.omlzip
A global table of resolved OML Elements.
The set of OML Extents resolved.
The OML Extent of each OML LogicalElement resolved.
The set of OML AnnotationPropertyValues across all OML Extents.
The OML TerminologyBox of each OML TerminologyBoxAxiom resolved.
The OML TerminologyBox of each OML TerminologyBoxStatement resolved.
The OML ChainRule of each OML RuleBodySegment resolved.
The OML RuleBodySegment of each OML SegmentPredicate resolved.
The OML RuleBodySegment of each OML RuleBodySegment resolved.
The OML RestrictionStructuredDataPropertyContext of each OML RestrictionStructuredDataPropertyTuple resolved.
The OML RestrictionStructuredDataPropertyContext of each OML RestrictionScalarDataPropertyValue resolved.
The OML Bundle of each OML TerminologyBundleAxiom resolved.
The OML Bundle of each OML TerminologyBundleStatement resolved.
The OML ConceptTreeDisjunction of each OML DisjointUnionOfConceptsAxiom resolved.
The OML DescriptionBox of each OML DescriptionBoxRefinement resolved.
The OML DescriptionBox of each DescriptionBoxExtendsClosedWorldDefinitions resolved.
The OML DescriptionBox of each OML ConceptInstance resolved.
The OML DescriptionBox of each OML ReifiedRelationshipInstance resolved.
The OML DescriptionBox of each OML ReifiedRelationshipInstanceDomain resolved.
The OML DescriptionBox of each OML ReifiedRelationshipInstanceRange resolved.
The OML DescriptionBox of each OML UnreifiedRelationshipInstanceTuple resolved.
The OML DescriptionBox of each OML SingletonInstanceScalarDataPropertyValue resolved.
The OML DescriptionBox of each OML SingletonInstanceStructuredDataPropertyValue resolved.
The OML SingletonInstanceStructuredDataPropertyContext of each OML StructuredDataPropertyTuple resolved.
The OML SingletonInstanceStructuredDataPropertyContext of each OML ScalarDataPropertyValue resolved.