
package scope

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any

Type Members

  1. trait CatalogEntryFilePredicate extends AnyRef

    A CatalogEntryFilePredicate is interface for calculating the local file scope of a catalog by filtering rewrite rules (apply method) and expanding local paths to yield candidate local files.

  2. class CatalogScope extends Catalog

    CatalogScope is an enhancement of Catalog with the following capabilities: - parseCatalog(URL) tracks successfully parsed catalog or reliably throws IOException.

    CatalogScope is an enhancement of Catalog with the following capabilities: - parseCatalog(URL) tracks successfully parsed catalog or reliably throws IOException. - getParsedCatalogs() reports successfully parsed catalogs - entries() provides access to the catalog entries read across all catalogs successfully parsed. - localFilesScope(predicate) based on the catalog rewrite rules, finds all resolvable files that match the predicate.

    See also

  3. class CatalogScopeManager extends CatalogManager

    CatalogScopeManager is a CatalogManager configured to create a CatalogScope.

    CatalogScopeManager is a CatalogManager configured to create a CatalogScope.

    See also

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any

Enhanced Apache XML Catalog Resolver with scope capability